Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Level 3 'Hesleden Hairshow'.

The Level 3 Hairdressing students planned and implemented a promotional activity for the ladies at Hesleden W.I. The evening was a huge success, the ladies were very interested in the modern party hairstyles. The students presented various different looks on models of all ages. A huge thank you to everyone involved, both students and models alike.

Induction 2007

Students were involved in various activities during induction week in September 2007.


Hairdressing students are working towards competition.

Toni and Guy Day

We had representatives from Toni and Guy Salon at Sunderland to demonstate new cutting techniques for the staff. We had a really good fun day and learned new modern styles to introduce to the students.

On16th November beauty therapy students will be attending a Carers day for the Easington pct at seaham leisure centre
On 9th October beauty therapy students attended a Carers event at the Alzeimers day centre treatment included indian head massage, facials and manicures


The Hair and Beauty students all have an enrichment class and are working toward competitions