Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hairdressing Masterclasses 2008.

East Durham College Hairdressing Department proudly present Master Classes in Barbering, Cutting and Hair-up.

The dates are as follows;

1 day Courses from 10am-4pm

Wednesday 14th May
TONI&GUY Cutting Master Class
Classic and varied methods of the ‘Bob’. 12places - £75.

Wednesday 4th June
TONI&GUY Hair up Master Class
Classic and funky techniques. 12 places - £75.

Wednesday 24th June
Simon Shaw Wahl Cutting & Barbering Master Class
Men’s Funky Designs. 10 places £175.

There is no remission of fees for the 1 day Master Classes.
The day will consist of demonstration in the morning session with a workshop on the afternoon.
Delegates must provide their own model for the event. Lunch and certificate are provided. Appropriate salon wear and closed toed shoes must be worn.
You must also be engaged within the Industry to enrol on a Master Class.


Contact the Hairdressing department on 0191518300